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Curriculum Vitae


Ph.D.              The University of Iowa, 2006. (GPA 4.0)
                        Department of Communication Studies
                        Focus: Postcolonial, Feminist & Rhetoric Studies
M.A.                Wake Forest University, 2002. (GPA 4.0)
                        Department of Communication Studies
B.A.                 The University of Vermont, 1999. (Graduated Alpha Phi Sigma)
                        Majors: Women’s Studies & Political Science        
                        The School for International Training, 1998.
                        Women in Development Study: Mysore, India



Western Washington University (2006-present)
                       Department of Communication Studies
                       Professor, 2017-Present
                       Associate Professor, 2011-2016
                       Assistant Professor, 2006-2011
                       Women, Gender, & Sexuality Studies, Faculty, 2013-Present
                       Professor, 2019-Present
                       Affiliate Faculty, 2007-2018
                       American Cultural Studies Affiliate Faculty, 2007-2016
The University of Iowa, Department of Communication Studies

                       Instructor, 2002-2006
Wake Forest University, Department of Speech Communication
                       Research Assistant & Debate Instructor, 2000-2002
The University of Vermont, Department of Speech & Theater
                       Teaching Assistant, 2000
Vimochana Forum for Women Rights, Bangalore, IndiaResearch Assistant, 1998
Vermont Commission on Women, Montpelier, Vermont
                       Research Intern, 1999


Rhetorical Studies: Visuality, public memory, colonialism, discourses of race, feminist, rhetoric, media studies

Women, Gender, & Sexuality Studies: Social Justice, feminist theory, intersectionality, colonialism, popular culture


Schwartz-DuPre, R.L. (2021). Curious about George: Cultural Icons, Colonialism, Curious George and U.S. Exceptionalism. Jackson. University of Mississippi Press.
Schwartz-DuPre, R.L. (2014). Communicating Colonialism: Readings on Postcolonial Theory(s) and Contemporary Communication. New York: Peter Lang Publishing.

Schwartz-DuPre, R.L. & Stacey Sowards. (2022). Donors and Disclosures: Rhetorical Explanations of Assisted Reproductive Technology and Parenthood in Children’s Literature, Beyond Biology: Refiguring Motherhood in the 21st Century. Eds. Kirsti Cole and Valerie Renegar. Routledge.

Schwartz-DuPre, R.L. & Morgan Parmett, H. (2018) Curious about George: Postcolonial Science and Technology Studies, STEM education policy, and colonial iconicity, Textual Practice, 32(4), 707- 725, DOI: 10.1080/0950236X.2016.1267038

Schwartz-DuPre, R.L. & Morgan Parmett, H. (2017). Introduction: Remembering the life and scholarship of Alfred “Tuna” Snider. Contemporary Argumentation & Debate, 37.
Schwartz-DuPre, R.L. & Scott, S. (2015). Postcolonial Globalized Communication and Rapping the Kufiyya. Communication, Culture & Critique, 8(3), 335-355.
Schwartz-DuPre, R.L. (2010). Portraying the Political: National Geographic's 1985 Afghan Girl and a U.S. Alibi for Aid. Critical Studies in Media Communication, 27(4), 336-356.
Schwartz-DuPre, R.L.  (2007). The Rhetorical Reframing of National Geographic’s Afghan Girl: Visual Images and the Bush Administration’s Post-9/11 Biometric and Identification Policy. Feminist Media Studies, 7(4), 433-453.
Schwartz-DuPre, R.L. A Rhetorical Reading of Katrina Exposed: Public Photographs Memory, and Colonialism. In S. Jacobs. (Ed.), Selected papers from the Fifteenth NCA/AFA Conference on Argumentation. Washington, DC: National Communication Association.
Schwartz-DuPre, R.L. (2006). Women in Debate: From Virtual to Material. The Journal of Contemporary Argumentation and Debate, 27, 106-120.
Schwartz, R.L. (2005). Graphing the National: The Rhetoric of National Geographic’s 1985 Iconic Afghan Girl. In P. Riley. (Ed.), Engaging Argument: Selected Papers from the 2005 NCA/AFA Summer Conference on Argumentation. Washington, DC: National Communication Association, 121-127.
Mitra, A & Schwartz, R.L. (2010). From Cyber Space to Cybernetic Space: Rethinking the Relationship between Real and Virtual Spaces. Journal of Computer Mediated Communication, 7(1).
Books Chapters
Schwartz-DuPre, R.L. (2019). Curious George Explores the Diaspora:  Postcolonial Children’s Literary Criticism. In JL Schatz (Ed.), Parenting Through Pop Culture: Making Sure Media Matters. McFarland & Company, 86-103.
Schwartz-DuPre, R.L. (2018). Postcolonial Approaches to Intercultural Communication. In Y. Yun Kim & K. McKay-Semmler (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of Intercultural Communication. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Schwartz-DuPre, R.L. & Hedge, R. (2016). A Conversation with Radha S. Hegde
Globalization: It’s Everywhere; It’s Nowhere. In B.M. Goss, J. P Caranaña, & M.R. Gould (Eds.), Talking Back to Globalization: Texts, Practices and Interventions. (pp. 21-38). New York: Peter Lang Publishing.
Schwartz-DuPre, R.L. (2012). Intersectionality. In M. Kosut (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Gender in Media. SAGE Publications.
Schwartz-DuPre, R.L. (2012). Post-Colonial Feminist Theory. In M. Kosut (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Gender in Media. SAGE Publications.
Schwartz-DuPre, R.L. (2010). Remembering Katrina: Flag woman and the Rhetorical Resurrection of the American Refugee-Citizen. In G. M. Reyes (Ed.), Public Memory, Race, and Ethnicity (pp.192-214). New Castle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Journal Editor
Schwartz-DuPre, R.L. & Morgan Parmett, H. (2017) Co-Editors. Remembering the life and scholarship of Alfred “Tuna” Snider. Contemporary Argumentation & Debate, 37.
Book Review
Schwartz-DuPre, R.L. (2016). Review of Raka Shome’s Diana and Beyond: White Femininity, National Identity, and Contemporary Media Culture. Women’s Studies and Communication, 39(1), 109-112.


Nancy Holt Panel at the Western Gallery. Western Washington University, Bellingham, W.A. April 2022 (upcoming)

Invited interview. “Western Professor’s New Book Studies the Complicated Legacy of Curious George.” Western Today. October, 2021.

Invited interview. Media and Children’s Literature. “Know Your Media” for PRX radio at Idaho State University, Pocatello, ID. February, 2020.

*Keynote address. Curious about George: Colonialism, Cultural Icons and American Exceptionalism. The Intermountain Gender and Sexuality Conference, Idaho State University, Pocatello, ID. April 2018.

Invited lecture. Debating Feminist Theory.  The Women’s Debate Institute at the Audubon Center of the North Woods in Sandstone, MN. August 2018.
Invited lecture. Introduction to Rhetorical Studies. Guest of Dr. Mary Erickson’s Communication Theory Course. Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA. October 2017.

TEDx Talk. Curious About George. Western Washington University, WA. March 4, 2017

Invited lecture. Postcolonial Science & Technology Studies, Stem Education Policy, and Colonial Iconicity. Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Lecture Series, Western Washington University, WA. February, 2017.

Invited lecture. Demystifying the College Application Process.  The Women’s Debate Institute at the Long Lake Conservation Center in Palisade, MN. August 2016 & 2017
Invited lecture. Postcolonial Theories – A Foundation. The Women’s Debate Institute at the Long Lake Conservation Center in Palisade, MN. August 2016 & 2017 
Invited lecture. Postcolonial Science and Technology Studies. Guest of Dr. Sue Hum Rhetoric and Race Course at The University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX. March 2016.
Invited lecture. Rhetoric as Research. Guest of Dr. Tara Perry’s Methods of Communication Course at Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA. February 2016
Invited lecture. Understanding Visual Rhetoric. Guest of Hemani Hughes Rhetoric and Social Movements Course at Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA. February 2016.
Invited lecture. Curious about George: Colonial Icons, STEM, and the Memory of American Global Power. Communication Club Lecture Series. Bellingham, WA. February 2015.
Invited panelist and film screening. Feminism Film Panelist. Pickford Theater Program of Women, Gender & Sexuality Studies. Bellingham, WA. January 2014.
Invited lecture. Colonial Literature, STEM Education & Holocaust Remembrance. Senior Summer School. Bellingham, WA. July 2014.
Invited Panelist. International Women’s Day Panelist. Program of Women, Gender & Sexuality Studies. Bellingham, WA. March 2014.
Invited lecture. Reflections on Portraying the Political Publication.  Guest of James Lee. San Francisco State University. San Francisco, CA. September, 2011 & 2013.
Invited lecture. (Un/Wrapping) the Kufiyya:  Tracing the Rhetorical Dialogue of Pride, Fashion & Terror. Faculty Research Presentation Series. Bellingham, Washington. January 2012.
Invited panelist. Effective Library Strategies. Western Libraries. Western Washington University. Bellingham, Washington. Fall 2009-2010.
Invited lecture. How I Got Here. Guest of Dr. Karen Stout’s Instructional Communication Course. Western Washington University. Bellingham, Washington. May 2009.
Invited interview. The Rhetoric of the 2008 Presidential Campaign. KGMI News Radio. Bellingham, Washington. July 2008.
Invited lecture. The Flag Women and Visual Images from Hurricane Katrina. Guest of Dr. Joyce Hammond’s Visual Anthropology Course. Western Washington University. Bellingham, Washington. February 2008.
Invited lecture. Visual Theory and the Afghan Girl. Guest of Dr. Joyce Hammond’s Visual Anthropology Course. Western Washington University. Bellingham, Washington. May 2007.
Invited lecture. Refugees in Our Home? The Rhetoric of Hurricane Katrina. Tea and Politics Speaker. Civil Controversy Program. Western Washington University. Bellingham, Washington. March 2007.

Invited lecture. Media and the Rhetorical Reframing of National Geographic’s Afghan Girl. Communication Lecture Series. Western Washington University. Bellingham, Washington. April. 2006.
Invited lecture. Graphing the National: The Rhetoric of National Geographic’s Iconic Afghan Girl. Tuesdays Seminar Series. The University of Iowa. Iowa City, Iowa. Jan. 2006. 
Invited lecture. Postcolonial Rhetorics: The Role of the United States and Toni Morrison’s Beloved. Guest of Dr. Priya Kumar’s Postcolonial Studies course. The University of Iowa. Iowa City, Iowa. Oct. 2004.
Invited lecture. The Creation of the Civil Collective: Classical Realist Cinema and the Afghan Girl. Guest of Dr. Barbara Biesecker’s Communication and Contemporary Culture course. The University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. April 2004.


Professional Leave. Western Washington University, Awarded and upcoming Spring 2023.

Manuscript Preparation Grant from the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (Competitively Awarded). Western Washington University, Fall 2020.

Professional Leave. Western Washington University, Spring 2019.

Discretionary Grant from the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (Competitively Awarded). Western Washington University, Fall 2019.

Professional Leave. Western Washington University, Fall 2015-Winter 2016.

Manuscript Presentation Grant. The Research Advisory Council. Western Washington University, 2012.

Professional Leave. Western Washington University, Fall 2012-Winter 2013.
Summer Research Grant. The Research Advisory Council. Western Washington University, 2009.

Grant-in-Aid. Research and Sponsored Programs. Western Washington University, 2008.
unCONVENTIONal Grant. Embodying the Visual. NCA First Vice President and Primary Convention Planner as a “Can’t Miss Program!” National Communication Association Conference. San Diego, California. 2008.

Summer Research Grant. The Research Advisory Council. Western Washington University, 2007.

Clay Harshbarger Travel Grant. The University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. 2002-2006.

Top Student Paper. Critical Cultural Studies Division of the National Communication Association. Chicago, Illinois. 2005.

Fellow. Center for Global Culture and Communication, Summer Seminar “Dissenting Rhetorics.” Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois. 2004.

Alpha Phi Sigma Honors in Political Science. The University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont. 1999.

Class of 1939 50th Reunion Scholarship for Academic Excellence. The University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont. 1997-1999.

L.S. and M.T. Rowell Scholarship. The University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont. 1996-1997.


Schwartz-DuPre, R.L. The Nostalgic Loss of the Intersectional - Embracing a pop-icons anti-feminist feminism. National Communication Association. Seattle, Washington, November 2021.

Schwartz-DuPre, R.L. & Sowards, Stacey Donors and Disclosures: Rhetorical Explanations of Assisted Reproductive Technology and Parenthood in Children’s Literature National Communication Association. Seattle, Washington, November 2021.

Schwartz-DuPre, R.L. Feminist Rhetorics RSA Workshop, Rhetoric Society of America RSA 9th Summer Institute, Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York, June 2021. 

Schwartz-DuPre, R.L. Honorary Panel: Revisiting “Postcolonial Approaches to Communication: Charting the Terrain, Engaging the Intersections.” National Communication Association. Salt Lake City, Utah 2018.
Schwartz-DuPre, R.L. Creating Collectivity in the Neoliberal Academy: The Case for a Transinstitutional Feminist Collaborative. Rhetoric Society of America. Minneapolis, Minnesota 2018.
Schwartz-DuPre, R.L. Curious about George: Re-engaging Postcolonial Commitments and Multiple Mediums of the Monkey. Postcolonial Mediations: Globalisation and Displacement ACGS conference Amsterdam, Netherlands, October 2017.
Schwartz-DuPre, R.L. Why postcolonialism (still) matters for media studies.
International Communication Association Conference. San Diego, California. May 2017.
Schwartz-DuPre, R.L. Curious George Explores the Diaspora: The Extraordinary Interventions of Postcolonial Children’s Criticism. International Communication Association Conference. San Diego, California. May 2017.
Schwartz-DuPre, R.L. NCA Pre-conference Seminar on “Photography and Civic Spectatorship. National Communication Association. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. November 2016.
Schwartz-DuPre, R.L. Twentieth-Century Engagements with the “Other”: Visual and Rhetorical Encounters with Postcolonialism.” Rhetoric Society of America. Atlanta, Georgia. May 2016.
Schwartz-DuPre, R.L. Collaboration and Convergence: Writing Groups, Retreats, Coaches, and Accountability Circles. Western States Communication Association Conference. San Diego, California. February 2016.
Schwartz-DuPre, R.L. Closing the Gender Gap at the WDI: Promoting Diversities and Strengthening Community in a Nonprofit Women’s Advocacy Group. Western States Communication Association Conference. San Diego, California. February 2016. (Accepted) 
Schwartz-DuPre, R.L. Curious George Teaches Science: Cultural Icons, Colonialism, and Education Policy. WFI Symposium. Communication, Postcoloniality & Social Justice: Decolonizing Imaginations. Villanova, Pennsylvania. March 2015. 
Schwartz-DuPre, R.L. & Mayer, A. Fantasy Machine: Projections of Self and the Evolution of the Photographic Selfie. Transfixed/Transmedia SPE Conference. Bellingham, Washington. October 2014.
Schwartz-DuPre, R.L. Curious George Visits the Diaspora: Rhetorically Refiguring, Reeducating, and Remembering American Citizenship. Rhetoric Society of America. San Antonio, Texas. May 2014.
Schwartz-DuPre, R.L. Curious George Visits the Diaspora. Globalization: Texts, Performances, Practices. Cross-Disciplinary International Conference. St. Louis University, Madrid, Spain. April 2014.
Schwartz-DuPre, R.L. The Global-Colonial Citizen: Curious about Curious George. Simon Fraser’s Communication and Global Shifts. Vancouver, B.C. June 2013.
Schwartz-DuPre, R.L. Refiguring Curious George: Where Colonial Pasts Meet Technological Future. Canadian Communication Association. Victoria. B.C. June 2013.
Schwartz-DuPre, R.L. Burning Memories of U.S. Colonialism. National Communication Association Conference. Orlando, Florida. November 2012.
Schwartz-DuPre, R.L. Revisiting the Postcolonial and its Relevance to Contemporary Communication Studies. National Communication Association Conference. New Orleans, Louisiana. November 2011.
Schwartz-DuPre, R.L. Threading our Stories: A Communal Exploration of Women's Voices in Academic Debate. National Communication Association Conference. New Orleans, Louisiana. November 2011.
Schwartz-DuPre, R.L. & S. Scott. Coping with the Kufiyya. National Communication Association Conference. New Orleans, Louisiana. November 2011.
Schwartz-DuPre, R.L. & S. Scott. Keffiyeh Communiqué: The (Re)fashioning of Culture On panel (Re) Figuring Feminist Modes of Dissent. Western States Communication Association Conference. Monterey, California. February 2011.
Schwartz-DuPre, R.L. (Re) Figuring Future Identities through Present Images of the Past. NCA Pre-Conference Seminar "Making Connections, Breaking Bonds:  Identity and the Public Sphere" National Communication Association Conference. San Francisco, California. November 2010.
Schwartz-DuPre, R.L. Critical Reading and Comprehension Note Taking Assignment. National Communication Association 2010 Summer Conference Teaching Rhetorical Criticism/Critical Inquiry. Tacoma, Washington. July 2010.
Schwartz-DuPre, R.L. The Movement of Citizenship in Contemporary Discourse. National Communication Association Conference. Chicago, Illinois. November 2009.
* Schwartz-DuPre, R.L. Remembering, Rhetoric, and Reflecting on Katrina. National Communication Association Conference. San Diego, California. November 2008. (*Awarded by the NCA First Vice President and Primary Convention Planner as a “Can’t Miss Program!”)
Schwartz-DuPre, R.L. Reflections, Rhetorics and Representations of Katrina Memorials. Rhetoric and Public Memory Conference sponsored by Syracuse University. San Diego, California. November 2008.
Schwartz-DuPre, R.L. Women’s Debate Institute. On Panel Unconventional Debate National Communication Association Conference. San Diego, California. November 2008.
Schwartz-DuPre, R.L. A Rhetorical Reading of Katrina. The Rhetoric Society of America. Seattle, Washington. May 2008.
Schwartz-DuPre, R.L. The National Imaginary and Chevrolet’s Visual (Re)constitution of Hurricane Katrina. National Communication Association Conference. Chicago, Illinois. November 2007.
Schwartz-DuPre, R.L. Teaching Gender Beyond Communication and Gender. National Communication Association Conference. Chicago, Illinois. November 2007.
Schwartz-DuPre, R.L. A Rhetorical Reading of Katrina Exposed. Public Memory and Ethnicity Conference hosted by the Center for Public Memory Studies. Portland, Oregon, October 2007.
Schwartz-DuPre, R.L. Katrina Exposed: Public Photographs, Memory, and Colonialism. National Communication Association/American Forensic Association Summer Conference on Argumentation. Alta, Utah. August 2007.
Schwartz-DuPre, R.L. Whether or Not to Attend Graduate School: A Professor’s Theatre. The Northwest Communication Association Conference. Coeur D'Alene, Idaho. April 2007.
Schwartz-DuPre, R.L. Refiguring Rhetorics of the Refugee: Hurricane Katina, the Event, and Postcolonial Terminology. National Communication Association Conference. San Antonio, Texas. November 2006.
Schwartz-DuPre, R.L. Exploring the Impacts of New Technologies and Debate Practice: A Symposium. National Communication Association Conference. San Antonio, Texas. November 2006.
*Schwartz, R.L. The Rhetorical Reframing of National Geographic’s Afghan Girl: Visual Images and the Bush Administration’s Post-9/11 Biometric and Identification Policy. National Communication Association Conference. Boston, Massachusetts. November 2005. (*Awarded Top Student Paper in the Critical Cultural Studies Division of NCA 2005)
Schwartz, R.L. The Search for Security through the Afghan Girl. Figures of Democracy Conference. Concordia College, Montreal, Canada. October 2005.
Schwartz, R.L. Graphing the National: The Rhetoric of National Geographic’s Iconic Afghan Girl. National Communication Association/American Forensic Association Summer Conference on Argumentation. Alta, Utah. August 2005.
Schwartz, R.L. The Future Unfastened and Foreclosed through Figuration: A Rhetorical Read of the Mestiza, Nomad, and Refugee. National Communication Association Conference. Chicago, Illinois. November 2004.
Schwartz, R.L. The Beloved Fusion: Theoretical Investments of Postcolonial Theory in Literary and Rhetorical Criticism. National Communication Association Conference. Chicago, Illinois. November 2004.
Schwartz, R.L. Diversity and Debate Roundtable. National Communication Association Conference, Chicago, Illinois. November 2004.
Schwartz, R.L. Gagging the Queen: The Icon of the Welfare Queen and Her Role in the 2001 Restoration of the Mexico City Policy. Crossroads Cultural Studies Conference. Urbana-Champaign, Illinois. June 2004.
Schwartz, R.L. The Rhetoric of G.W. Bush’s Reproductive Policy. The University Iowa Graduate Student Conference. Iowa City, Iowa. March 2004.
Schwartz, R.L. Reappropriating the Veiled: A Postcolonial Analysis of National Geographic’s Afghan Girl with the Eyes. National Communication Association Conference. Miami, Florida. November 2003.
Schwartz, R.L. Racing Academia: The Rhetorical Embodiment of Dale Earnhardt, a Figuration in Paradox. National Communication Association Conference. Miami, Florida. November 2003.
Schwartz, R.L. Women and Debate Panel. National Communication Association Conference. Miami, Florida. November 2003.
Schwartz, R.L. Gagging the Queen: The Icon of the “Welfare Queen” and Her Role in the 2001 Restoration of the Mexico City Policy. The Iowa Communication Association. Amana Colonies, Iowa. September 2003.
Schwartz, R.L. & A. Mitra. Voices of South Asian Women on the Internet. National Communication Association Conference. New Orleans, Louisiana. November 2002.
Schwartz, R.L. Women and Debate Roundtable. National Communication Association Conference. New Orleans, Louisiana. November 2002.
Schwartz, R.L. The Rhetoric of Reproduction. The National Women’s Studies Association Conference. Minneapolis, Minnesota. June 2001.
Scholarly Association Memberships
The National Women Studies Association, 2001, 2017, 2019
The National Communication Association, 2000-2014, 2016, 2018
The Rhetoric Society of America, 2008, 2014-2018
The Organization for Research on Women and Communication, 2010-2011, 2016-2018
International Communication Association, 2017
Western States Communication Association 2010, 2011, 2016
Canadian Communication Association, 2013-2014
American Forensic Association, 2007-2010
Alpha Phi Sigma Honors Society, 1999-2006

TEACHING EXPERIENCE                                      

Professor, Western Washington University

Communication Studies

Communication Theory 
The Rhetoric of Social Change
Practicum in Applied Communication 
Feminist Postcolonial Theory
The Rhetoric of Women & Movements
Issues in Rhetoric: Contemporary Colonialism
Visual Rhetoric
Persuasion and Argumentation
Media Literacy
Field Internship Supervisor
Senior Thesis

Women, Gender, & Sexuality Studies

Feminist Theory

Feminist and Queering Research Methods

Feminist Popular Culture

Research Expertise
Teaching Experience




COMM 220 GUR, Face-to-Face & Online
COMM 339 (various) Independent
COMM 416/WGSS , Writing Proficiency
COMM 416, Writing Proficiency
COMM 435, Writing Proficiency
COMM 430, Writing Proficiency
COMM 435, Writing Proficiency
COMM 440, Writing Proficiency

COMM 459

COMM 492, Independent Study, Writing Proficiency

WGSS 212 GUR, Online

WGSS 350 Methods Requirement, Face-to-Face&Online

WGSS 450 Writing Proficiency, Face-to-Face&Online

Instructor, The University of Iowa, 2002-2006
Topics in Communication Studies: Postcolonial Theory and Communication
Feminist Critical Practice
Gender Roles and Communication
Intercultural Communication
Business and Professional Communication
Elements of Debate
Communication and Contemporary Culture
Teaching Assistant, The University of Vermont, 2001
The Rhetoric of Reggae Music
The Rhetoric of Debate



Finalist for Western Alumni Ass. & Office of the Provost for Faculty Mentor of the Year. 2017

Faculty Appreciation Award. Campus Christian Fellowship. Western Washington University. 2016

Faculty Appreciation Award. Campus Christian Fellowship. Western Washington University. 2015 Honored by Keynote Chloe Pearson

GUR Education Link Award. Committee on Undergraduate Western Washington University. 2014-15

Faculty Appreciation Award. Campus Christian Fellowship. Western Washington University. 2014

GUR Education Link Award. Committee on Undergraduate Western Washington University. 2013

Ethnic Student Center Recognition for Influential Teaching. Western Washington University. 2011

Summer Teaching Grant. Research and Sponsored Programs. Western Washington University. 2010

Western’s Honor Your Favorite Professor Program. Given by Courtney Smith. Western Washington University Foundation, 2008

Western’s Honor Your Favorite Professor Program. Given by Laura Running. Western Washington University Foundation, 2008

Western’s Honor Your Favorite Professor Program. Given by Lindsey Payne. Western Washington University Foundation, 2008

Summer Teaching Grant. College of Humanities and Social Sciences. Western Washington University, 2008

Academy Award. The Teaching and Learning Academy. Western Washington University, 2008


Social Justice, Equity, & Diversity 
Takin’ Race Facilitator, Training for Office of Student Housing about Race organized by the Committee on Social Justice of Equity & Inclusion. Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA. Spring 2021 & Fall 2020,
Implicate Bias Training, Wade King Elementary School, Bellingham, WA, March 2020.

Still Takin’ Race Facilitator, Campus discussion about Race organized by the Committee on Diversity & Inclusion. Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA. May 2017

Takin’ Race Facilitator, Campus discussion about Race organized by the Committee on Social Justice of Equity & Inclusion. Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA. February 2017

Meridians – Title IX Training

Groundswell – Harassment & Discrimination Prevention

Community Anti-Racist Transformation Program, organized by the Committee on Social Justice of Equity & Inclusion. Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA Winter 2021-Spring 2021

Not Just Social Media, Social Justice: A Critical Workshop on Anti-Racist Movements through Social Media. The Black and Brown Male Success Collective. Online. June 2020.

Implicit Bias Training Workshop, Provost’s Diversity and Inclusion Hiring Initiative. Taught by Sue Guenter-Schlesinger. Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA. January 2020

Pre-Conference on Program Administration and Development, National Women’s Studies Conference. San Francisco, CA, November 2019


Introduction to Queering Research, Queering Research Series. Taught by Dr. Shirin Deylami & Dr. Josh Cerretti. Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA, October 2019

Interrupting Organizational Racism Course, Taught by Dr. Kathy Obear, Online. October & November 2019


Social Justice Training Institute Workshop, The Center of Transformation and Change. Taught by Dr. Jamie Washington and Dr. Kathy Obear. Bellingham, WA. September 2019

Talking with Children & Youth about Race. Taught by Caprice D. Hollins and Psy.D., Ilsa Govan, M.A. of Cultures Connecting. Seattle, WA. December 2018

Racial Microagressions & Cross-Cultural Communication Skills of Cultures Connecting: Addressing Race Relations in the 21st Century, taught by Caprice D. Hollins, Psy.D. Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA. September 2018

Enhancing Teaching Raced Pedagogy, taught by Lisa Covington, M.A. in Applied Sociologist of Race, Class & Gender. The Women’s Debate Institute at the Audubon Center of the North Woods in Sandstone, MN. August 2018

Green Dot Training, The Green Dot Strategy is a comprehensive approach to end violence that capitalizes on the power of peer and cultural influences across all levels of the socio-ecological model. Idaho State University, Pocatello, ID. April 2018

Beyond Inclusion, Beyond Empowerment, the Psychological Dynamics of Oppression and Privilege. Taught by Leticia Nieto Psy.D. Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA., February 2018

Strategies for Facilitating Conversations on Race Training taught by Ilsa M. Govan, M.A. of Cultures Connecting: Addressing Race Relations in the 21st Century. Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA. February 2017


Ally Training. Queer Safe Zone. Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA. Spring 2015

Woodring College of Education’s Diversity Teach In. Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA. 2014
Teaching Instruction
Leveraging Video Using Flip Grid & EdPuzzle Course Instruction, Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA. Summer 2020.

1-Week Advanced Canvas Applications Course. Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA. Summer 2020.

Principles of Online Teaching 12 hours of coursework. Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA. Spring 2020.

5-week Blended/Online Course Development and Design Workshop Certificate. Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA. Winter 2020.

How Can I Write a Course Syllabus That's Worth Reading? Magna Publications Certificate, through WWU Center for Instructional Innovation and Assessment, Winter 2020.

Teaching the Literature Review, Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA. Winter 2018

Children’s Literature Conference, Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA. Winter 2016

Rhetoric Society of American’s Career Retreat for Associate Professors. San Antonio, Texas. Spring 2014

Learning Technology Group Seminar Participant, Western Washington University, 2011-2014

WWU Faculty Writing Series & Residency. Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA. 2009

National Communication Association teleconference CARD Call Series. Rhetoric’s Challenges to Memory Studies (in the Interest of an Accord) by Carole Blair. September 2009

Workshop Participant, Teaching-Learning Academy. Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA. Fall 2007-Spring 2008

Faculty Writers Group, Support Sponsored by the Woodring College of Education. Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA. Fall 2007-Winter 2008

Workshop Participant, Backwards By Design: Writing Instruction Support Sponsored by the Teaching-Learning Academy. Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA. Fall 2008

Workshop Participant, Endnote Software Instruction. Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA. Fall 2008

Emerging Communication Technology. Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA. Summer, 2008

Workshop Participant, Blackboard Online Course Design - QuickStart Introduction. Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA. Fall 2006

Workshop Participant, Blackboard Online Course Design - Integrating Communication and Collaboration Strategies. Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA. Fall 2006

Workshop Participant, Pockets of Promise: Assessment in The Woodring College of Education. Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA. October 2006


Supervised Student Research & Refereed Conference Presentations
***Nationally Presented Project
** University Competition Winner
*   Departmental top paper

Reardon, Annabel, Environmentalist Imagery: Rhetorical Force through Image Events and Kill
Scenes. Scholar’s Week. Presentation. Bellingham, Washington. May 2021.
**Kruzan, Courtney. Black Power Imagery as Resistive Memory-Maker. Scholar’s Week Presentation. Bellingham, Washington. May 2020.


Iwasaki,  Jana. Gaze but do not touch: Encountering the Other and the Rhetorics of A Post -Racial Performance. Scholar’s Week Presentation. Bellingham, Washington. May 2019.

**Gruber, Lucia. The Little Klansman: A Symbol of American Infantilism Amidst RacialTensions.Scholar’s Week Presentation. Bellingham, Washington. May 2018.

* Oviedo, Dana. Trump Tweets & Antiblackness. Scholar’s Week Presentation.
Bellingham, Washington. May 2018.


*Dalessandro, Jessy. Sustainability: The property of being environmentally sustainable. Scholar’s Week Presentation. Bellingham, Washington. May 2017.


*Pearson, Chloe. Lost in the Dream: A heterotopic reading of Don Barletti’s photograph of Enrique’s journey. Scholar’s Week Presentation. Bellingham, Washington. May 2015.


**Strandoo, Louise G., The Construction of Gender Though Man Ray’s Le Violon d’Ingres. Scholar’s Week Presentation. Bellingham, Washington. May 2015.


Wilcox, Drake. Fashion Rhetoric & the Creation of a New Cultural Form. Scholar’s Week Presentation. Bellingham, Washington. May 2015.

**Ott, Sharona. A Boy Named Blue: The Performance of the Young Black Male. Scholar’s Week Presentation. Bellingham, Washington. May 2014.


Gil, Christopher. Harlem 1958 and the Force of the Familial Image. Scholar’s Week Presentation. Bellingham, Washington. May 2014.


Schach, Olivia. A Child Being Weighed: Discussing the Swaying Interpretation Between Object and Subject. Scholar’s Week Presentation. Bellingham, Washington. May 2012.


*Bennett, Kevin. Navy Gay Kiss: Queer Visibility in Diesel Jeans Cutting Edge Advertisement. Scholar’s Week Presentation. Bellingham, Washington. May 2011.


Cox, Ashleigh A. Rhetorical Critique of Days of the Locust to the Biblical Plague of Exodus. Scholar’s Week Presentation. Bellingham, Washington. May 2011.


*Diaz, Isabela. The Sequencing of Images: A Visual Analysis of the Chilean Mine Rescue as an Iconic and Epic Narrative. Scholar’s Week Presentation. Bellingham, Washington. May 2011.


Jones, BreAnna. The Last Straw. Scholar’s Week Presentation. Bellingham, Washington. May 2010.


White, David. The Eye of the Tiger. Scholar’s Week Presentation. Bellingham, Washington. May 2010


Palmer, Rachel. The Rhetorical Nature of Abu Ghraib Photographs. Scholar’s Week Presentation. Bellingham, Washington. May 2010.


***Perdue, Phillip. Barack Obama’s Halo: Facilitating Post-Racial American Audiences. Rhetoric, Politics, and the Obama Phenomenon, Texas A&M University. March 2010.


***Scott, Shelby. Fashion Victim. Western States Communication Association. Anchorage, Alaska, March 2010.


*Scott, Shelby. Feminist Postcolonial Rhetoric. Scholar’s Week Presentation. Bellingham, Washington. May 2009.


*Smith, Andrea. Consumption for a Cause and the Brand Always: Identity Construction in the First and Third World. Scholar’s Week Presentation. Bellingham, Washington. May 2009.


Humphrey, Margit. The American Girl Collection: Cataloguing Diversity. Scholar’s Week Presentation. Bellingham, Washington. May 2009. 


Leung, Tiffany. Thousand Killed in China Earthquake. Scholar’s Week Presentation. Bellingham, Washington. May 2009.


Greenberg, Wesley C. Ali and the Compression of Ambivalence. CASCAID: Social Justice Conference. Bellingham, Washington. May 2008.


Greenberg, Wesley C. Ali and the Compression of Ambivalence. Scholar’s Week Presentation. Bellingham, Washington. May 2008.


Bell, Jeffrey. Babe Ruth as an American Hero. CASCAID: Peace and Justice Conference. Bellingham, Washington. May 2007.


Bowman, Shawna. The Gaze and Identity Loss in a Postmodern World. CASCAID: Peace and Justice Conference. Bellingham, Washington. May 2007.


Brader, Samantha. One of the Boys: Barack Obama is Not “The Other.” CASCAID: Peace and Justice Conference. Bellingham, Washington. May 2007.


Esbenshade, Brittany. Collective Memory and Iconic Imagery. How the Illicit Footage of Saddam Hussein’s Execution will Bespeak the Iraq War as a Failure. CASCAID: Peace and Justice Conference. Bellingham, Washington. May 2007.


Fuller, Amanda. A Visual Rhetoric Reading of Christian Children’s Fund of Canada Commercial. CASCAID: Peace and Justice Conference. Bellingham, Washington. May 2007.


Magwire, Judd. The Force of Tragedy. CASCAID: Peace and Justice Conference. Bellingham, Washington. May 2007.


Seaton, Richard. Ground in Space and Time: Finding Comfort in the Outdoor Industry.  CASCAID: Peace and Justice Conference. Bellingham, Washington. May 2007.


Muxworthy, Kelly. Rhetorically Tainting Feminist Humor. The Northwest Communication Association Conference. Coeur D'Alene, Idaho. April 2007.


***Patchen, Christina. Freedom from Exploitation: Slim Delices and the Bondage of the Female Body. The Northwest Communication Association Conference. Coeur D'Alene, Idaho. April 2007.
Supervised Students in Senior Thesis (Comm 492)
Chesnut, Jessica Brooke. A Critical Reading of Queer Rhetorical Theory. Spring 2015.
Style, Rachel. Communication & Cross-Cultural Understanding. Fairhaven College. Spring 2011.
Scott, Shelby. Fashion Victim. Spring 2010.
Aldrich, Amber. Netroots Queer Activism. Senior Project Committee Member. Fairhaven College. Spring 2009.
Smith, Andrea. Consumption for a Cause and the Brand Always: Identity Construction in the First and Third World. Spring 2008.
Williams, Laura. Parasocially Transferring from Princess Diana. Spring 2008.
Greenberg, Wesley. The Ambivalence of Ali. Winter 2008.
Muxworthy, Kelly. Rhetorically Tainting Feminist Humor. Spring 2007.
Bowman, Shawna. Rhetorically Gazing at Japanese Animation. Fall 2007. 
Supervised Students in Independent study (Comm 400)
Strasser, Caitlin. Children’s Art Gallery Event. Spring 2012.
Geer, Carly. Children’s Art Gallery Event. Spring 2012.
Gehri, Rachel. Club Structural Analyst. Winter 2012.
Perdue, Phillip. Advanced Rhetorical Theory. Winter 2010.
Perdue, Phillip. Visual Rhetoric. Spring 2009.
Dohm, Matthew. Visual Inquiries. Fall 2007.
Ragsdale, Randall. The Art of Persuasion. Spring 2007.
Supervised Students in Practicum in Applied Communication (Comm 339)

Comm 220: Communication Theory Teaching Assistants

Ruby Andrews, 2009
Matthew Santos, 2009
Brittany Cleary, 2010
Claire Johnson, 2010
Emma Ketterl, 2010
Ryan Ketterl, 2010
Tyler Roush, 2010
Rachel Smith, 2010
Jolynn Sullivan, 2010
Spenser Taylor, 2010
Zachary Carroll, 2011
Victoria Do, 2011
Rachel Gehri, 2011
James Hanks, 2011
Symone Littlefield, 2011
Addeson Moh, 2011
Zoe Mote, 2011
Anelese Webster, 2011
Brian Young, 2011
Alex Bigelow, 2012
Kimball Gainor, 2012
Emily Jepson, 2012
Meagan Southworth, 2012
Anthony Vassna Sokha, 2012
Hannah Carter, 2013
Peter Englund, 2013
Alena Sangiuliano, 2013
Makena Cayce, 2014
Moe Herbert, 2014
Grace Scofield, 2014
Kara Smolke, 2014
Lien M. Luc, 2016
Veronica Martin, 2020

Heighlig Tann, 2022

Comm 230: Rhetoric and Social Change, Teaching Assistants
Chloe Person, 2016
Louise G. Strandoo, 2016
Comm 430: Visual Communication, Teaching Assistants
Jakob Kasowski, 2013
Christopher Tuner, 2013
Alena Sangiuliano, 2014  
Chloe Person, 2016
Louise G. Strandoo, 2016
Paityn Kaiser, 2020
Comm 435: Principles of Persuasion, Teaching Assistants
Randall Ragsdale, 2007
Shawna Bowman, 2007                 
Supervised Students in Internships (Comm 339 & Comm 459)

Sophia Peck, Winter 2018
Samantha Ryan, Winter 2018
Griffin Goulding, Winter 2018
Tara Frame, Winter 2018
Andrea Casebolt, Winter 2018
Taylor Wells, Winter 2018
Carissa Englert, Winter 2018
Taylor Lapinski, Winter 2018
Ali Raetz, Winter 2018
Stephanie Springer, Winter 2018
Seth Kaamuela, Winter 2018
Nicholas Vizquel, Winter 2018
Andrea Casebolt, Fall 2017
Serena Danville, Fall 2017
Jane Footh, Fall 2017
Daniel Fratella, Fall 2017
Billy Mae Gelbach, Fall 2017
Mollie Xitco, Fall 2017
Madison Yerges, Fall 2017
Maytal Ambramson, Summer 2017
Tori Almos, Summer 2017
Lucia Gruber, Summer 2017
Kassandra Hanses, Summer 2017
Nicole Knutson, Summer 2017
Nate Merklinghaus, Summer 2017
Sarah Porter, Summer 2017
Benjamin Ryan, Summer 2017
Tayor Smoots, Summer 2017
Benjamin Still, Summer 2017
Samantha Thomson, Summer 2017
Wiatt Vasey, Summer 2017
Evan Frazier, Spring 2017
Taylor Lapinski, Spring 2017
Alexandrea Moore, Spring 2017
Merrill Poepping, Spring 2017
Serena Danville, Spring 2017
Alexa Eddy, Spring 2017
Jade Lee, Spring 2017
Jessica Navarre, Spring 2017
Samuel Nelson, Spring 2017
Kate Padavich, Spring 2017
Benjamin Ryan, Spring 2017
Amelia Thompson, Spring 2017
Brooke Weir, Spring 2017
Meredith Junne Bactol, Fall 2016
Baigali, Fall 2016
Lien M. Luc, Fall 2016
Kevin Miller, Fall 2016
Erin Pratschner, Fall 2016
Logan Anderson, Summer 2016
Nathaniel Anderson, Summer 2016
Christopher Beh, Summer 2016
Dominic Finseth, Summer 2016
Jon Greybill, Summer 2016
Sierra Hagans, Summer 2016
Marcus Micheles, Summer 2016
Kevin Miller, Summer 2016
Taylor Smoots, Summer 2016
Cody Stephens, Summer 2016
Daniel Stockman, Summer 2016
Austin Taylor, Summer 2016
Melanie Williams, Summer 2016
Ashley Adams, Spring 2015
Ashley Anderson, Spring 2015
Sean Barrett, Spring 2015
Racquel Bialik, Spring 2015
Charlotte Bloedel, Spring 2015
William Boos, Spring 2015
Anna Bourland, Spring 2015
Hayley Gjertsen, Spring 2015
McKenzie Lord, Spring 2015
William McCoy, Spring 2015
My Nguyen, Spring 2015
Chloe Pearson, Spring 2015
Jessie Raetz, Spring 2015
Parker Roberts, Spring 2015
Lane Valenzuela, Spring 2015      
Sean Barrett, Spring 2014
Racquel Bialik, Spring 2014
Charlotte Bloedel, Spring 2014
Bethany Andrews, Spring 2014
Gillian Beven, Spring 2014
Jennifer Conn, Spring 2014
Jessica Cross, Spring 2014
Amelia Dale, Spring 2014
Andrew Dunn, Spring 2014
Chase Golka, Spring 2014
Mark Hartley, Spring 2014
Stephanie MacKnight, Spring 2014
Allie Johnson, Spring 2014
Ryan Lytle, Spring 2014
Anna McElroy, Spring 2014
Jamel Minnix, Spring 2014
Shelley Newman, Spring 2014
Tammany Ogden, Spring 2014
Jolene Rasmussen, Spring 2014
Kelsey Ray, Spring 2014
Ariana Rayment, Spring 2014
Paige Robins, Spring 2014
Allison Sayles, Spring 2014
Blair Salvino, Spring 2014
Adrianna Sharp, Spring 2014
Daley Smith, Spring 2014
Timothy Taussig, Spring 2014
Rakia Wells, Spring 2014
Pristine White, Spring 2014            
Amy Jackson, Spring 2011
Annalisa Unbedacht, Spring 2011



Strategic planning, curricular development, & departmental assessment, 2006 – Present
Student Advising for Communication Majors and Minors, 2006 – Present
101 Director Task Force, 2021
Three Tenure Track Search Committees, 2015 – 2020
Strategic planning, curricular development, & departmental assessment, 2006 – Present
Review Committee for Major Application Portfolios, 2006 – Present
Student Advising for Communication Majors and Minors, 2006 – Present
Department Chair, Summer 2015, 2016
Library Liaison, 2007 – 2016
Faculty Advisor for Communication Ambassadors, 2015 – 2018
Liaison to Fairhaven’s College World Issues Forum, 2009 – 2015
Faculty Mentor to James Fortney, 2013 – 2015
Parade of Faculty Lecturer 2006 – 2015
Chair Search Committee, Spring 2012
Tenure Track Search Committee, Winter 2012
Faculty Supervisor for Communication Club, 2012, 2016
Faculty Supervisor for Student Peer Advisors, 2012
Faculty Mentor to Julie Homcheck, 2010 – 2012
Graduate School Seminar 2010, 2011
Coordinator of Chair (Anna Eblen) Post Tenure Review, 2011
Back 2 Bellingham Contributor, 2010
Department Financial Committee, 2008
Coordinator of Departmental Speaker in Visual Communication Aric Mayer 2008
College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Women, Gender & Sexuality Studies
Women, Gender, & Sexuality Studies, Executive Committee, 2020-Present

Tenure-track search committee for Anthropology/Women, Gender & Sexuality Studies 2021-2022
Women, Gender, & Sexuality Studies Faculty, Fall 2016-Present
Faculty Advisory Council, Spring 2017, Fall 2017, Fall 2021- Present  
Women, Gender, & Sexuality Studies, WGSS Advisory Board, 2020-Present
Women, Gender, & Sexuality Studies Scholarship Committee, Spring 2020-Present
Women, Gender, & Sexuality Studies, Program Planning, 2019 – 2020
Women, Gender, & Sexuality Studies Faculty Curriculum Director, 2019-Present
Women, Gender, & Sexuality Studies Affiliated Faculty, 2006 – 2019
Women, Gender, & Sexuality Studies Advisory Committee, 2013 – 2018
Program Director Evaluation, Women, Gender, & Sexuality Studies, Winter, 2014
Women’s Studies Director Search Committee, Spring 2013


Faculty Affairs

Faculty Advisory Council, Spring 2017, Fall 2017

Mentor to College of Humanities and Social Science Commencement Speaker, Summer 2016


Social Justice and Equity Committee 2017 – Present, Co-Chair 2020- Present
Talking Race facilitator and Grant Committee Chair
Committee, Chair 2019-2022
The President’s Structural Equity Team 2020-2021
Faculty Senate Executive Committee, 2018 –2020
WWU Libraries Task Force Spring, 2019 –2020
Social Justice and Equity Awards Chair Winter, 2019
Social Justice and Equity Awards Selection Committee, 2017-2019
Senate Library Committee, Chair, 2017– 2018
University Scholars Week Committee, 2014 – 2017
American Cultural Studies, Faculty Member, 2007 – 2016
Faculty Senate Senator, Fall 2008, Spring 2009, Fall 2013 – Spring 2015
Scholars Week Keynote Radha Hegde Nominator and Host, Spring 2014
Western Libraries Tenure Track Search Committee, Winter, Spring 2014
Compass 2 Campus Volunteer, 2013, 2014
Western Reads Library Advocate, 2013
Blog Interview: Lee, C. (May 21, 2013). “Getting to Know Rae Lynn Schwartz-DuPre.” Western Today.
Child Development Center Art Exhibit Planner, 2012
Adam McRae. Pillars. BFA Degre, Spring 2011
Council on University Programs: A Standing Committee of the ACC, Winter 2011 – Spring 2012
Senate Library Committee. College of Humanities and Social Science Representative, 2009 – 2012 (Chair Fall 2010 – 2011)
International Education Consultant. Center for International Studies, April 2008
Coordinator of University Speaker Danielle Wiese, “Networking Campaigns: How Online
Talk is Transforming Politics for Young Adults Across the Globe,” October 2007
Faculty Representative for Athletic Recruitment, Spring 2007
Participant. Women of Color Empowerment Dinner, March 2007
Editorial Board           
Editorial Board. Women’s Studies in Communication, 2015 – 2019
Editorial Board. Contemporary Argumentation and Debate, 2018
Editor of Special Issue of Contemporary Argumentation and Debate 2016 – 2017
Journal Reviewing 

Reviewer. Critical Studies in Media Communication, 2009 - Present
Reviewer. Women’s Studies in Communication, 2018
Reviewer. International Journal of Communication, 2014 – 2018
Reviewer Mediapolis: A Journal of Cities and Culture, Summer 2017
Reviewer. Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies, 2013-2014
Reviewer. Quarterly Journal of Speech, 2014
Reviewer. Photography and Culture, 2013
Reviewer. Journal of Communication Inquiry, 2003 – 2006
Conference Reviewing
The Organization for Research on Women and Communication, 2016
National Communication Association, 2016
Critical Cultural Studies Division, National Communication Association, 2007 – 2014
Popular Culture Division, International Communication Association, Fall 2013
Rhetoric and Public Address, Western States Communication Association, 2011
Feminist & Women’s Studies Division, National Communication Association, 2004,
2007 – 2008
Student Division, National Communication Association, 2002
Awards Committees & Reviewing Committees
Fellowship Reviewer: American Council of Learned Societies: Advancing the
Humanities 2018 – 2019
Awards Reviewer. Donald C. Bryant Award for Outstanding Graduate Scholarship in Rhetoric & Public Advocacy, The University of Iowa. 2016 – 2017
Awards Committee. Critical Cultural Studies Division, National Communication Association, 2008, 2010 – 2012
American Forensic Society’s Professional Development and Practices Committee,
National Communication Association 2007 – 2012
Legislative Assembly Member. Critical and Cultural Studies Division, National
Communication Association, 2007 – 2008
Conference Panel Respondent
Moderator & Respondent, The ISU Rupp Debate Squad will argue “Resolved: The
United States Should Reintroduce and Ratify the Equal Rights
Amendment.” Intermountain Gender & Sexuality Conference at Idaho State
University. April 2018.
Respondent. Seeing Other(ed) Citizens National Communication Association Conference. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. November 2016
Respondent. The Civic Call of the Life and Scholarship of Alfred “Tuna” Snider.
National Communication Association. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
November 2016
Respondent & Chair. Multiple Modes of Protest. National Communication Association Conference. Orlando, Florida. November 2012
Respondent & Chair. Media Portrayals of War and Occupation: Representing Communication and Community Interests. Western States Communication Association Conference. Monterey, California. February 2011
Respondent & Chair. Hybridity and Cultural Practices. National Communication
Association Conference. San Diego, California. November 2008
Respondent. “Gender and Social Justice.” CASCAID Social Justice Conference, Western Washington University, May 2008
Respondent. Women and Voice: Marginalization, Co-Option, and Resistance. National Communication Association Conference. Chicago, Illinois. November. 2007
Respondent. From Silence to Voice: Students and Faculty Examine the Intercultural Communication Experiences of Marginalized Communities, Northwest Communication Association Conference, Coeur D'Alene, Idaho. April 2007
Respondent. Minority Voices in Belief, Attitudes and Experiences: Representations of Race, Poverty and Gender, Northwest Communication Association Conference, Coeur D'Alene, Idaho. April 2007
Conference Panel Chair

Panel Chair. Indigenous Peoples in the United States in Representation, Memory,
and Contemporary Living, National Communication Association, Seattle,
Washington, November 2021
Panel Chair. Closing the Gender Gap at the WDI: Promoting Diversities and Strengthening Community in a Nonprofit Women’s Advocacy Group. Western States Communication Association Conference. San Diego, California. February 2016
Panel Chair. Visual Cultures and the Politics of Representation. WFI Symposium. Communication, Postcoloniality & Social Justice: Decolonizing Imaginations. Villanova, Pennsylvania. March 2015 
Panel Chair. Popular Culture and Communication. Canadian Communication Association. Victoria. B.C. June 2013
Panel Chair. Contemporary Postcolonial Uptakes: Reinvigorating the Dialogue. National Communication Association Conference. Orlando, Florida. November 2012
Panel Chair. (Re)Figuring Feminist Modes of Dissent. Western States Communication Association Conference. Monterey, California. February 2011
Panel Chair. Debate and Argumentation Pedagogy. National Communication Association/American Forensic Association Summer Conference on Argumentation. Alta, Utah. August. 2007
Panel Chair. The Freedom to Disagree. Northwest Communication Association Conference, Coeur D'Alene, Idaho. April 2007
Panel Chair. Argumentation and Critical Pedagogies. National Communication Association Conference. Boston, Massachusetts. November. 2005
Panel Chair. Debate Diversity Forum. National Communication Association Conference. Boston, Massachusetts. November 2005
Board of Directors for The Women’s Debate Institute Inc. South Haven, Minnesota. 2007– Present

  • Finance Committee, 2018 – Present

  • Faculty Member, 2007– 2018

  • Director of Professional Development, 2017 – 2018

  • Member of the Curriculum Committee, 2015 – 2018

  • Chair of the Public Relations Committee, 2016 – 2017

  • Search Committee Member, 2016

  • Newsletter Writer, 2012 – 2015

  • Organizer and Winner of the 2015 KIND grant for $10,000, 2015

  • Coordinator of the Second Annual “Celebrating Our Community Dinner.” Jointly Sponsored by the Women’s Debate Institute and the National Debate Coaches Association. Las Vegas, Nevada. 2009

  • Coordinator of the First Annual “Celebrating Our Community Dinner.” Jointly Sponsored by the Women’s Debate Institute and the National Debate Coaches Association. East Lansing, Michigan. April 2008

  • Board of Directors and Director of Curriculum for The Women’s Debate Institute Inc. Port Townsend, Washington. 2004 – 2007

Parent/Teacher Association, Wade King Elementary, Bellingham, Washington. 2015-2020

  • Globe Trot Organizer Wade, King Elementary, 2017- Present

  • Help & Hope Coordinator, Wade King Elementary, 2015 – 2019

  • Friends of the Edwin W. Lawrence Debate Union, The University of Vermont. 2011 – 2018


Edwin W. Lawrence Advisory to the Search Committee, The University of Vermont 2016


Television Program: Vermont Community Access Media (VCAM), Burlington, Vermont (December 16, 2016). Topic: The Answer is More Debate.

Community Volunteer. Givat Brenner. Rehovot, Israel. 2000
Paralegal. Center for Public Representation. Northampton, Massachusetts. 1999


Intern. Vimochana Crisis Intervention NGO. Bangalore, Karnataka, India. 1998



Part Time Coaching Positions

  • Debate Instructor, The Women’s Debate Institute, Sandstone, Minnesota. 2011– 2018

  • Debate Instructor, The Women’s Debate Institute, Port Townsend, Washington. 2004 – 2010

  • Debate Instructor, The Wake Forest Debate Institute, Winston-Salem, North Carolina. 2001

  • Debate Instructor, The World Debate Institute, Burlington, Vermont. 1998 – 2002

Full Time Coaching Positions

  • Assistant Debate Coach, The University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. 2002 – 2006

  • Debate Assistant, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, North Carolina. 2000 – 2002

  • Debate Coach and Research Director, The University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont. 1995 – 2000

Debate Awards and Honors

  • Outstanding Judge Award, Towson University, 2000

  • College of Arts and Science Graduate in Debate, The University of Vermont, 1999

  • Mike Davis Award for Most Outstanding Debater in the East Region, 1999

  • Robert Ashton Lawrence Award for Debate Excellence, The University of Vermont, 1997 – 1999

Debate, Forensics & Argument
  • LinkedIn

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